The Orphan Theranostics Company

ChiRhoClin, Inc., an orphan drug pharmaceutical company, offers CRO Services including working relationships with many universities and hospitals. The company also provides professional services to the pharmaceutical industry. Read below to learn more about ChiRhoClin, Inc. offerings.


Secretin is a naturally occurring 27-amino acid peptide released by ductal mucosa in response to acid in the lumen; It works by stimulating the pancreas to secrete fluid within one minute of injection, mimicking the natural secretin stimulation in response to the emptying of the stomach.

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Diagnostic Applications

Secretin Endoscopic Pancreatic Function Test

The two most common indications for pancreatic exocrine function testing are (1) the evaluation of possible early exocrine dysfunction in patients with abdominal pain and (2) the determination of the etiology of steatorrhea. Numerous conditions are associated with pancreatic exocrine insufficiency; the most common cause in adults is chronic pancreatitis (CP). Click to learn more about Diagnostic Applications.

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Therapeutic Applications

Cannulate faster with Secretin ERCP

ChiRhoStim® assists in cannulation and identification of the ampulla of Vater or minor papilla, especially when patients have either pancreatic divisum or scar tissue. Using ChiRhoStim®  will shorten cannulation time by 32% and achieve successful cannulation in 67% of cases compared with 8% who did not receive Secretin. Click to lean more about therapeutic applications

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ZES Awareness Day – A Special Dedication

Read our Announcement Here

Recipe Ideas for a Pancreatitis-Friendly Summer Cookout

Discover Tasty Cookout Treats Here

Supporting Pediatric Patients at Camp Hope

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Blasting Off…with ChiRhoStim!

Read about our new campaign
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Rediscover Secretin in 2024!

Read our January Newsletter
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A Letter from our CEO

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