
ChiRhoClin, Inc. is excited to unveil some big changes. The company has undergone a rebranding in 2022, with a new look and an updated feel to reflect the big steps taken into the future of pharmaceuticals. ChiRhoClin, Inc. is entering the theranostics field, merging therapeutics and diagnostic applications to work towards finding solutions and continue serving the needs of patients with serious pancreatic and gastrointestinal diseases.

New Site

Now you can access all CRC related materials, including upcoming events, ongoing research, and services we provide in one, convenient place.

Our new site is just one of the ways we’ve adapted to better meet the needs of the GI community – from Surgeons to Pediatric GI’s, Abdominal Radiologists to Oncologists and Fellows, we’re striving to maintain up-to-date, accessible materials to address every need.

Users will also have access to our extensive Publications section, where we’ll continue to upload recent studies as well as foundational papers concerning Secretin, the pancreas, and related topics.

Visit to learn more.

Conference Update

DDW 2022 San Diego

Digestive Disease Week 2022 was welcomed with much enthusiasm. Many took advantages of DDW’s virtual option, but there were also many domestic and international attendees who participated in the in-person event.

PancreasFest 2022

Pancreas Fest 2022 in Pittsburgh, PA was very informative. ChiRhoClin looks forward to the rising trend in investigating Pediatric Pancreas Disease and welcomes interested parties to the Clinical Research Programs page on our website to learn more.

Future Events

September 9-10 17th

Annual Rocky Mts. Interventional Endoscopy Course | University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Center | Aurora, CO

September 9-11 2022

ACG Regional Postgraduate Course | The Williamsburg Lodge | Williamsburg, VA

September 23-25

Texas Society Gastroenterology & Endoscopy 2022 Meeting | JW Marriott Downtown | Austin, TX

Contact Wade Schoenecker for more information on where to find us!